Repair damaged, dull or brittle hair

Pollution, heated devices, colors ... Our hair is constantly subject to all kinds of attacks. Here are some tips for keeping a top mane.


Opt for food supplements

Who says dull or brittle hair, often says poor diet! To deal with the problem, make a cure of multi-vitamin food supplements (available in pharmacies) or add a spoon of brewer's yeast to your diet (perfect in the salad for example).

Trick : Also favor foods rich in iron and vitamins (such as lenses and cereals) and avoid animal fats.


Reduce shampoos

Unlike popular belief, washing your hair every day is not necessary ... On the contrary, one shampoo per week is enough. Choose it without silicone and enriched with active ingredients (keratin, ceramids, fatty acids etc.)


Make nourishing care

Nothing like coconut oil or avocado oil to feed damaged hair. Apply it to your lengths and leave to place a few hours (or even overnight) before performing your usual shampoo. You can also concoct a mask with essential oils by mixing a drop of Ylang Ylang oil with 4 ml of argan oil.


Regularly cut your forks

Even if the temptation to let everything grow is large, it is important to cut your tips once every three months approximately to get rid of the forks. Do not do it, you can easily return to length using our hair extensions !


Bet on prevention

To avoid damaged hair, the best is to preserve it from attacks! So disentangle your mane gently using a soft bristle brush to avoid breakage. If nodes resist do not shoot them and defeats them by hand.